CVDP Staff
Latest News Posts from the CVDP Staff
See All Posts*****We are seeing patients for routine examinations***
We have been contacting those patients who had appointments cancelled through covid, but if we have missed you and you think your examination is due then please contact our reception staff on 01555 860086.
Although guidance has changed. We are also advising patients to wear a face covering unless exempt.
In the past week, 25 Patients failed to attend their dental appointments at CVDP despite getting a reminder text and / or call, meaning 7 hours and 30 minutes of surgery time was effectively wasted.In addition to our registered patients , who are waiting a few weeks for treatment appointments , we currently have a new patient waiting list of 350+ patients. If we had been notified that the patients from last week couldn’t attend , we could have seen around 30-40 of these unregistered patients.We understand that there will be exceptional circumstances which mean you cannot give notice to cancel an appointment but please be courteous to us and other patients by calling at least 24 hours beforehand to reschedule rather than just not turning up,
Thank you
Shelley and the team at CVDP
(May 2022)
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